Stakeholders’ Communication Strategy in Damietta

E-Methanex, a new company operating in Damietta, Egypt, wanted to preemptively equip its team with the necessary communication tools to develop closer ties with the community and its stakeholders.
First, CID Inc. designed a communication program to coach key executives to effectively communicate with the media and/or the local community. CID Inc. successfully designed a reputation management communication strategy and implementation that provided a plan for the company’s communication direction and strengthened E-Methanex’s capacity in setting priority objectives, identifying target audience, developing target-specific communication messages and tactics, relevant enterprise counterparts were provided with ongoing coaching. 
In parallel, a grass-roots needs assessment of the community and its stakeholders was to be developed, ultimately to yield the most relevant and effective sustainable community investment strategy for E-Methanex to undertake. CID Inc. additionally mapped out local partners and facilitated relationship building amongst all stakeholders with the purpose of establishing a sustainable partnerships ensuring the enterprises continued involvement in local community initiatives.